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Tool Torture Threesome is an online free puzzle/riddle game made by small-tool for EG24.

The EASY PATH is 15 levels (with 3 endings). Levels are numbered 1 - 15

The MEDIUM PATH is 25 levels (with 2 endings). Levels are (Roman numerals) numbered I - XXV

The HARD PATH is 35 levels (with 1 ending). Levels are (Alphabet) numbered A - AI

To get to the next level you will have to change the URL with your answer.

There are no hints in the source or in the names of the images. Your brain and sometimes a bit of Google is all you need.

Click a path to start the game (It's recommended to start with easy, then medium and then hard, but it's up to you).

Big thanks to Clio-Rose for making great, funny stories on some of the levels :)

Huge  thanks  to  Ellie  and  Edgar  for  beta-testing  the  whole  riddle  :)

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