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1. Donas 30-7-2018 Thanks for a fabulous riddle!!
2. Cee Bee 30-7-2018 Great ideas, great puzzles and great fun!! We need more of the same
3. Veri 30-7-2018 It was a smart riddle. Thank you.
4. Mtatt100 30-7-2018 Thoroughly enjoyed these new ingenious levels ...encore. It was certainly a riddle that kept on giving :P
5. Dutchie 31-7-2018 Thanks for making this fantastic challenging riddle for us. I enjoyed it so much.
Looking forward to the next :)
6. Mythos 31-7-2018 Thanks for the riddle. I enjoyed playing it through to the end with one exception of course. That Omega
level can stay in Hell where it belongs for all eternity. I look forward to playing more riddles in the future.
(Just make them Be Good ones.) :P
7. Pichi 3-8-2018 Thanks for the riddle!! good times I have spent I wait more :)
8. Molly Lena 3-8-2018 Excellent riddle .. great job! waiting for more!!!
9. Robin 3-8-2018 I'm renaming small-tool "hell-boy"
10. Sweet Meat 4-8-2018 Great riddle! This is far and away the best riddle yet- a bold statement considering the number of
riddles small-tool has developed over the years. Job well done, sir! I will return to my perviously
scheduled life now.
11. Zoran Vasic 8-8-2018 Thank you for incredible riddles, I really enjoyed them. Your brain works in mysterious ways!
12. Sid 8-8-2018 I've only been in love with a bottle of beer and a mirror. Now I can add your riddle to that list!
13. BlackFiresong 9-8-2018 Thank you so much, small-tool, for bringing us this absolutely extraordinary set of riddles! I've been
perpetually amazed by the hard work and creativity that you must have had to put into each and every
level. My brain's been stretched and pulled in all sorts of directions, and there were times when I
thought I would never manage to complete the Hell path, but I persevered and emerged victorious :D
I'll miss struggling over new levels every day and bonding with fellow strugglers! Thank you to all the
kind and patient commenters who stuck with me and left invaluable hints - I doubt I'd have passed a
single level without you all. I'm already massively looking forward to the next big riddling party!
14. Puzzled 10-8-2018 Thanks for creating this riddle. I am wordless :)
15. Ike 10-8-2018 I was waiting a long time for a new riddle. Never imagined it could be this ingenious.
16. Pixie Rose 10-8-2018 I am finally through the Hell Levels and indeed it was tortuous with some really quite exceptional
levels. Very challenging and a lot of fun. I am expecting another riddle from you in the near future.
I'm sure that will be no problem for you. Is 2 weeks enough time? Hahaha. My sad sense of humor.
I will buy you a bier if you do. LOL
17. Arrie 14-8-2018 Thank you so much, it was awesome :)
18. Patty3Ponies 16-8-2018 What a piece of work!! Now maybe those men in the white coats who were coming
for me will get cancelled!
19. Iff 17-8-2018 Absolutely Phenomenal! Thank you so much for such a splendid, elaborate, frustrating, rewarding
riddle. And a huge thank you to all the riddlers who posted at EscapeGames24. I only solved a handful
of levels on my own. Without their ingenious hints, I never would have completed all 100 levels.
Thank you so much, it was awesome :)
20. MishuAnubis 25-8-2018 Thanks S-T for the riddle, was a pleasure playing it!!
21. BucksDack 13-9-2018 I do feel free! But may have a gap in my life until the next riddle is ready.
Please keep these coming, I adore them!
22. Abraxxass 11-10-2018 Thanks a lot for this riddle, It was one of the best I've ever played. Waiting for a new one :)
23. Clio 14-10-2018 TAHHH-bloody-DAHHHH Get a spanner up ya, haha.
24. hugoke 13-03-2019 A splendid, ingenious and nicely elaborated riddle. A masterpiece. Many congratulations !!!
And impatiently waiting for the next one…
25. Laurie W 08-05-2019 Thank you for this challenging, fun, head-scratching, frustrating, mind-bending, perplexing,
thrilling, irritating, and very satisfying riddle.
26. Flowerbird 10-07-2019 It was one hell of a ride! Waiting for the next one :) Thank you!
27. Jan 11-08-2019 Amazing! Dear small-tool, I respect your outstanding efforts and originality 😄😄
28. Di999 05-09-2019 It seems like my whole summer has been spent trying to solve TTT and Hell,
so many thanks for the entertainment even if very frustrating at times. Thanks also to
all who post and try to help people like me as there is no way I’d finish otherwise.
29. Truus 06-09-2019 "WOW, this is one Hell of a Good Riddle, smalltool !!!!
TYVM !!!!"
30. Keeper 28-02-2020 Finally i crawled and cheated my way through the hell in a lonely journey,
following the footprints of all forerunners
31. tialuisa 06-05-2021 I went to hell and found out why players years later still break into a cold sweat at
the mention of 'the pyramid.'
32. Bine 12-12-2021 Thank you for a very tortuous game :-)
33. azebellman 25-03-2022 Super fun and challenging riddle, the pyramid nearly drove me insane. Keep up the good work S-T!
34. umsyt 16-04-2023 There once was a puzzler named tool.
Who made these enigmas so cool.
The witty Dutch master.
That made your brain faster.
And rarely was ever a fool.
35. Akicer 04-10-2023 First ST riddle for me, lots of ideas never seen in other riddles,
gonna try other ones RIGHT NOW!
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