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 T o o l  T o r t u r e  T h r e e s o m e :  E A S Y  P A T H

LEVEL 1 Explained

1) U with rule 1) Sometimes in riddles it's speak out loud things.

U sounds like 'you' so the first word is YOU

2) 1, 18, 5  with rule 2) Very often it's about numbers to alphabet.

1 is the first letter in the alphabet = A

18 is the 18th letter in the alphabet = R

5 is the 5th letter in the alphabet = E

So the second word is ARE


3) NO with rule 3) Very often you have to anagram.

Very easy anagram here 'NO' becomes ON, so the third word is ON

4) Yeah, Old Undercooked Rhubarb with rule 4) Very often it's about first letters.

The first letters of the words are; Y, O, U, R, so the fourth word is YOUR

5) noW gonnA trY with rule 5) Sometimes it's about last letters.

The last letters of the words are; W, A, Y, so the fifth word is WAY

So, the whole answer is;



in riddles (to make the answer work) it is always;



So the answer to level one is:


Put that in the url (replace leveloneexplained with youareonyourway) and click the arrow in your browser and you're on level 2

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